certified translations • translation and interpreting • proofreading
Russian • German • Hebrew • English • Ukrainian
We are available 24/7!
Please contact anytime:
Lina Berova
Phone: +498923514709
Mobile: +49176 22653429
Whatsapp: +49176 22653429
E-Mail: lina.berova@gmx.de
Translations and Proofreading
(German/Russian, Hebrew/English/Russian/German)
Translation rates start from 1 euro/line (55 characters incl. spaces) or from 0,10-0,12 euro/word and vary according to difficulty, topic, purpose of the translation, requirements, formatting and many other factors.
Rates for Proofreading start from 50% of the translation price.
We always need to see the text before we make a price offer or confirm a translation job.
If you need an offer for a website translations, please send us the text you want to translate in a word document or other editable format.
NB: If the source text is not editable, we will make an offer depending on the amount of time we would need to translate the text, based on our experience.
Minimum charges apply and start from 35 euro.
(с) Lina Berova 2025